When it comes to starting turbine engines of small to medium jets, lead-acid batteries were used widely until its latest competitor in the form of lithium batteries have been released in the market. Unlike the proverbial macho image that turbine engines are known for, the truth is that they are in the need of a little “love” as well.
And what this translates to is merely the careful maintenance and care of the engine before a flight is scheduled for take off. Of course, with superior starts, thanks to the latest lithium ground support equipment, the longevity of the turbine engine is also assured while the prior problem of sulfation has been avoided as well.
While being about 42 % lighter and 32 % smaller than their lead-acid counterparts, they actually last twice as longer as well. It’s pretty obvious that they generate power that is equivalent to lead acid batteries that has been used, and thus, are turning to be a better choice (with these improvements) for maintenance crews around the world.
This lithium aircraft starter is primarily for jets that will not accept a 28-volt battery pack with examples such as the Eclipse 500 and the Phenom 100, which only accept 26 volt battery packs. It is for these types of planes that this aircraft starter can be used.